Trainer, Speaker & Coach

What if people had their rightful place at the heart of the organization?

I partner with you to create healthy and prosperous work ecosystems. I offer human-scale solutions to the challenges of Mental Health, Well-Being and Human Skills.




M.Ed. B.Comm

“It is by each one of us changing a little bit that we can change everything.

Philippe Douste-Blazy



Solutions to Live Better series

Compassionate Leadership Series

Bespoke training

Through humor and simple concepts, I offer powerful solutions to cultivate “organizational health by focusing on the uniqueness, complexity, and relational skills of each individual”

With you, I work to improve the dynamics of Well-Being, Balance, Stress, Anxiety, Burnout and Addictions.

Together we demystify and destigmatize Mental Health to create psychologically safe and inclusive organizations.


Coaching is a powerful process through which I accompany the client towards self-discovery and the achievement of their goals.

Either face-to-face or virtually, I offer coaching in English, French or Spanish.

Coaching for Leaders: for professional or personal needs, or for the development of Human Skills.

Coaching for Addictions and Recovery: for troubled relationships with alcohol, drugs, or other addictions.

Coaching for women in mid-life transitions, finding themselves in the “Messy Middle”: to create a new and healthier identity while going through major life changes; Divorce, Career change, Burnout.

Contact me to discuss your needs and get more information about my approach. It will be my pleasure to answer your questions and create a winning partnership.

+1 (514) 638-4859

Julie Bloom Formation Coaching

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